Rhinoplasty or a ‘nose job’ is the most requested aesthetic surgical procedure by teens. For older people, there is no age limit and any person who feels the need to improve appearance and function of their nose can choose to have rhinoplasty surgery.
The minimum age is when the person has achieved physical and emotional maturity.
The rules and regulations vary in different countries and in the UK, if you are looking to have a nose job done for aesthetic/cosmetic reasons you need to be 18 years old and over.
The nose develops rapidly around the ages of 12-13 in girls and 13-14 in boys, and it stops growing around the ages 14 to 16.
Rhinoplasty can provide a life changing boost in confidence.
We and most experts believe that surgically altering the body should only be undertaken for justifiable reasons with young people. The shape of your nose can really affect your self-image at this impressionable age. We consider each case on its individual basis as children and teenagers mature emotionally and physically at different rates. We consider the motivation for seeking surgery, for example, if bullying at school is causing extreme emotional strain, corrective nasal surgery will bring both relief and a boost in self-confidence. If you simply want to look like your favourite celebrity, it is probably better to wait until the person is certain it isn’t a trend. If you feel you are becoming introverted due to insecurities around your appearance, this can affect your social interactions, your relationships, your studies and even impact upon your confidence to apply for a job. Nose surgery can be done to improve appearance but also to improve breathing problems or to correct the result of an injury. You will also need to be old enough to understand the risks, downtime, limitations of rhinoplasty and to have realistic expectations. Be aware of the two-week downtime and how will this affect your studies. There is swelling and bruising, and you will feel more comfortable staying at home during this recovery period.
Rhinoplasty because of an increased pressure on young people today
Young people’s concerns with their body image are an increasing issue for the NSPCC’s ChildLine service. We attribute it in part due to the pressure of social media. A survey completed in 2017 by the National Citizen Service found that 27% of late teenagers cared more about their appearance than about their physical health. This highlights the pressure young people are under so it is always helpful to have parental support and understanding and during the consultations reach a decision which we all believe it will be in the patient’s best interest.
Official Guidance
Guidance from The General Medical Council, https://www.gmc-uk.org is that under 18’s must only undergo rhinoplasty surgery if it is in the patient’s best interests. The hospitals where we work at are currently stopping the admission of anybody under the age of 18 if rhinoplasty surgery is for aesthetic reasons.
Any aesthetic/cosmetic surgery is a serious commitment and taking your time to evaluate the procedure and making sure it is the right choice for you is vital. We will be happy to discuss your options. As well as physical maturity, you must consider the emotional aspects, and it is very helpful to be seen by a psychologist to ensure your overall wellbeing.
Thank you for this informative answer!
It’s also worth noting that age can impact the healing process and the final results of rhinoplasty. Younger patients often have better skin elasticity, which can lead to better outcomes. However, it’s important for the nasal structure to be fully developed, which typically happens around age 16-18.
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My son broke his nose when he was 5 and it’s now got a big bump on it. He’s really self conscious and saying people are picking on him for it ( he’s 15). Can he have a nose job to shave down the bump on the NHS as it’s mentally affecting him?
Can i get a rhinoplasty procedure done at 17?