Stephanie’s Story

Stephanie Battled With Self-Confidence – A Rhinoplasty Treatment Transformed Her Inner Self

Stephanie, 35, works in advertising. She had always struggled with self-confidence until she took matters into her own hands and booked an appointment with Rhinoplasty London.

“I did a little bit of modelling when I was younger, and people made a few derogatory comments about my nose. People at school said rude things too, and said I looked like a witch. Those things stick with you. I’d always had a real hang up about my nose. It sounds like something very small, but it had actually held me back in lots of ways. You start picking yourself apart, don’t you?”

Stephanie shares where her self-confidence issues started:

“I wanted to get a nose job since I was 13. It started with a few comments, but in my late teens and early 20s I became very fixated about it. I was desperate to change. I became more accepting of myself as I got older, but my nose was something that I couldn’t bring myself to love, and be comfortable with.”

“The primary role of my job is to get up in front of people and present. There is a lot of focus on my face, especially when on video calls. I would be so self-conscious of smiling; I’d cover my face when I smiled. A man I went on a date with actually thought I was self-conscious of my teeth, but it was because I didn’t like the way my nose drooped down when I smiled. It was definitely in my head a lot of the time. I was very aware of how I looked, especially when I was on a date.”

“My family were nervous about me changing my nose. Nobody enters into having surgery lightly, but I think they also know the battle I’ve gone through with self-acceptance and feeling better about myself. I think my mum was scared that I’d be unhappy with the results, or it would snowball and I’d want to have lots of surgeries done. But I didn’t want a massive change, I just wanted a small improvement, and I was realistic.”

The next step for Stephanie was researching the right doctor.

“I decided to go ahead with a nose job because I actually had the confidence to go ahead with it because of the consultant surgeon I found. It’s my face and my decision, and I’d been thinking about it for 10 years. It’s been a long time coming but it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. I’d heard horror stories about people going to places to have cheap surgery and it going awfully wrong. That’s why I spent years researching to find the perfect surgeon. I didn’t want a ‘cookie cutter’ nose. I’d see lots of pictures of people where it was very obvious they had had surgery, and I didn’t want that, I wanted a natural result, I still wanted to retain the character of my face. The testimonies were the biggest reason I picked Mr East and Rhinoplasty London. The before and after images of paients they had treated were amazing, they were tangible proof of their skills.”

“Coincidentally, I was talking about having a rhinoplasty with a girl I work with, and she asked if I had looked at Mr East – who was exactly the doctor I was researching. The Rhinoplasty London team had actually turned my colleague away for surgery because they said her expectations weren’t quite right and perhaps she didn’t even need the surgery in the first place. She said weirdly that helped her with her relationship with her own nose, and helped her move on from it. That made me respect Mr East even more, as he didn’t see patients as people they could make money from, and looked at the psychological effect surgery would have. Other surgeons I’d met with were quite pushy, especially about getting a payment in and I really hated that, as I didn’t want to be pushed into it.”

Post-surgery, Stephanie is happier than ever.

“I’m so happy with my result, it still honours the integrity of my face, and I still look like me. There’s so little downtime. I’m a redhead and I bruise like a peach so I couldn’t believe there was no bruising. I walked into the office ten days later and no one noticed. No one commented on it, even my team who I had told. I wanted a subtle result, so I was thrilled. My parents loved it. They absolutely loved it. My mum is the first to admit she was wrong about being nervous and my dad now says he wants one too!”

“I went on a hen-do a couple of months after surgery, and there were loads of photos taken. I normally hate photos of myself, and this time when all the photos were shared, I didn’t have the old reaction I would have had before, where I would have thought ‘I just hate my face’. I actually thought every picture was nice. That was really refreshing, I’d never experienced that before.”